How to be Green When Requesting Freebies and Coupons

How to be Green When Requesting Freebies and Coupons

After a while of getting freebies, samples and coupons, I have begun to notice that I would have to deal with the envelopes, packaging and containers associated with the free samples. Here are some of my ways to minimize my impact on the environment when getting great offers.

1. Before I request a free offer, I would ensure that I would have a use for them. For example, as I am not a pet owner, I would not request pet food coupons or freebies.

2. If I do receive a sample that I do not need, I would consider the following

  • Could I offer it to my friends or family
  • Could I offer it to my apartment neighbours? My apartment has a common area in which unwanted household items could be left for others to take.
  • Could I save and collect the free sample, so that I could offer it for guests? For example, shampoo, hair conditioner and soap samples could be saved for guests.
  • 3. For letter or legal size paper that has printing on one side, I would print the other side for nonessential needs, such as map directions and recipes.

    4. For bubble wraps, Styrofoam and other packaging materials, I would save them for mailing and shipping.

    5. For other paper products, I would shred them and use them for confetti or for mailing.

    6. Lastly, if I notice that I am on a mailing list of a company, I would contact the company online and ask to be removed from the mailing list.

    How do you deal with physical stuff associated with getting free stuff and deals? Please share your tips with others!

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